Terms of use
January 27, 2022
Photographer Kristoffer Wittrup is the copyright holder and remains all copyrights to the images.
The images can be used in the photographer’s own marketing, unless otherwise is agreed upon with the client.
The client can use the image in presentations, websites, internally, ads and newsletters.
The images can also be used for printing purposes, and therefore the client is provided with two sets of images: One for online usage called Web, and one for printing called HQ.
The images can be featured on websites, news articles and blogs free of charge, as long as the pictures are credited in the correct way. (see Credits)
The images can be used in magazines and newspapers to promote the work of the client.
This requires no extra charge, as long as the pictures are credited in the correct way (see Credits), and the client must be contacted beforehand.
A copy of the publications must be delivered to the photographer. Please contact info@kristofferwittrup.com for more information.
Other uses:
Students can use the images in school projects free of charge, as long as they credit.
For other uses, such as books and video productions, the photographer Kristoffer Wittrup must be contacted beforehand, and will be considered individually.
When you are using my pictures, it must be credited in the following way:
Photo: Kristoffer Wittrup
If, for whatever reason, pictures aren’t credited, there will be a 2000,- NOK charge for each infringement.
It is strictly prohibited to manipulate the images, unless for minor cropping. Extra adjustments of the images must be agreed upon with the photographer.
It is strictly prohibited to re-selling the images to a third party.
Prøvefiler – what now?
Fra prøvefiler til ferdige bilder *pling* Nå har du mottatt prøvefilene. Forhåpentlig er det litt overvelende: Bildene er mange, og det kan være vaskelig og